Club Coffee® makes PURPOD100® certified commercially compostable** single serve coffee pods for our own brands, including Beaniac®, Club Coffee Craft Roasters®, GoodHost® and Simply Sensational®.

We also partner with other brands in Canada and the United States to produce coffee for them. All our compostable** single serve pods are made using PURPOD100® certified commercially compostable, plant-based technology and you can recognize these brands by looking for the PURPOD100® seal and brown ring.

PURPOD100® compostable** pods work with the vast majority of Keurig®* Classic and 2.0 K-Cup®* brewing systems. We test new brewing technologies as they come to market.

Find out more about compatibility with Keurig®* K-Supreme* and K-Supreme Plus* Models.

Most brewer models will have the model number/type of brewer stamped on the bottom of the brewer.

Before looking at the bottom of the brewer:

  1. Ensure the brewer is turned off.
  2. Remove water reservoir.
  3. Unplug the brewer.
  4. Remove any removable cup / drip tray.

If the brewer has been previously used, water will remain inside, so lift the brewer straight up to view the bottom. Do not tilt the brewer or water inside could spill out.
Once you have your brewer model number, please contact our Customer Care Team for complete brewer compatibility details.

If you own a K-Supreme* or K-Supreme Plus* brewer, we are happy to send you our new BrewBoostR adapter free of charge. Installing the BrewBoostR will ensure that Club Coffee®’s PURPOD100® pods work in your brewer.

Club Coffee’s PURPOD100® compostable** pods work with most K-Cup®* style brewing systems. If you bought your brewer before summer 2020, it is very likely that the pods will work fine.

In June 2020, Keurig®* began to sell K-Supreme* and K-Supreme Plus* brewers with what it calls a MultiStream Brewing Technology*. In order for Club Coffee pods to work with this brewing technology, we have developed a BrewBoostR adapter, which we would be happy to provide you, free of charge.

Yes! Just use our new brewer adapter, the BrewBoostR We would be happy to send you a BrewBoostR free of charge, please contact our Customer Care Team

No, the BrewBoostR works with both our certified commercially compostable** coffee pods and traditional hard plastic K-Cups®* pods.

Yes, they will.

We know that new brewing technologies can affect how well our certified commercially compostable** pods work in brewers. If you have one of the new Keurig®* K-Supreme* and K-Supreme Plus* brewer models, you may experience some issues with lid puncturing performance on our compostable** pods.

To solve that, we can send you our BrewBoostR brewer adapter free of charge. Our innovation experts are also working on new pod designs that will ensure the same great performance across Keurig®*’s K-Cup®* brewers that consumers have always enjoyed.

Our pods work now with K-Supreme* / K-Supreme Plus* brewers, with the addition of our free BrewBoostR adapter to your brewer.

Our innovation experts are also working on new pod designs that will ensure the same great performance across Keurig®*’s K-Cup®* brewers that consumers have always enjoyed.

The BrewBoostR is a small insert that pops into the brewing chamber of Keurig®* K-Supreme* / K-Supreme Plus* brewers. It slightly raises the chamber height for ideal brewing of PURPOD100® certified commerically compostable** pods, and also allows for the brewing of conventional, hard plastic K-Cup®* style pods.

Club Coffee can provide you with a BrewBoostR adapter free of charge. One of our Customer Care team members would be happy to take your information and send you a BrewBoostR via courier, which you should receive within one to two weeks, depending on carrier service volumes.

Installing this device could technically void your brewer manufacturer warranty. However, our rigorous tests of the BrewBoostR in K-Supreme* / K-Supreme Plus* brewing systems have not shown any brewing or warranty related issues.

The BrewBoostR delivers the same quality cup of coffee that you’ve enjoyed from our compostable** soft pods. Because it enables the brewer’s water delivery needles to cleanly puncture the pod lid, it enhances brewing performance for soft pods.

If you’ve already received your free BrewBoostR, you can insert it into your K-Supreme* / K-Supreme Plus* brewer by following the steps here.

Yes. You can remove the BrewBoostR from your K-Supreme* / K-Supreme Plus* brewer by following the steps here.

You can receive a new BrewBoostR by contacting our Customer Care Team.

PURPOD100® compostable** pods are made with plant-based materials. The unique pod design includes a lid, ring and filter that are all certified commercially compostable** by the Biodegradable Products Institute. In fact, our ring is made partially from recycled coffee chaff (the skins that come off the coffee beans during roasting).

Once you’re finished brewing your coffee, you can compost** the entire pod, simply by placing it in the food waste container used in your community such as a green bin (check locally – where accepted). The pod will break down to healthy compost** that helps new things grow!

Once you’re finished brewing your coffee, you can compost** the entire pod, simply by placing it in the food waste container used in your community such as a green bin (check locally – where accepted). The pod will break down to healthy compost** that helps new things grow! Learn More.

You can find out more information on compostable** pods by visiting,, or by contacting our Customer Care Team.

The BrewBoostR has been specifically designed to work in Keurig®* K-Supreme* / K-Supreme Plus* brewers with Multi-Stream Brewing Technology*.

Yes. Club Coffee®’s PURPOD100® certified commercially compostable** pods are compatible with Keurig®* K-Supreme* / K-Supreme Plus* brewers with the addition of a BrewBoostR adapter.

This insert will allow our compostable** pods to work with Keurig®* brewers that have MultiStream Brewing Technology*. We would be happy to provide you with a BrewBoostR free of charge.

Our innovation experts are also working on new pod designs that will ensure the same great performance across Keurig®*’s K-Cup®* brewers that consumers have always enjoyed.

Yes, the BrewBoostR is BPA free – and is made with plant-based, food safe materials.

The BrewBoostR is available free of charge.

* Keurig®, K-Cup®, MultiStream Brewing Technology, K-Supreme and K-Supreme Plus are trademarks of Keurig Green Mountain, Inc. Club Coffee L.P., PurPod100 and the BrewBoostR device, are not affiliated with or approved by Keurig Green Mountain, Inc.